It Looks Like Tongue Rings Have Never Been More Back


It's the dog days of Summer but I'll be dammed if that means I won't post good news. You probably already clicked the above video and have watched it 1,000 times, so typing more words here is in fact pointless. Even when I do blogs like this I strive to tell a story, share some wisdom, have a funny take. I don't know if I have one here. I think that entire video more than speaks for itself. It'd be like me adding a commentary track to The Godfather. Like, what can I say that isn't already captured in the film? Yes, I am comparing the above to The Godfather and yes, I think it's a more than fair comparison. I think The Godfather would in fact be thrilled by that comp. I mean the scene where she first sticks out here tongue, boys, tell me that isn't one of the better plot twists of this century?



Coppola could never.

So start spreading the news- I think it's safe to say the tongue ring has never been more back.

There's a lesson in all of this. Take it away, Chris Rock.






Wait I just realized I blogged that she bought a farm. Gotta get a farm update soon. Stay tuned.


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